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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 265 viestiä ]  Mene sivulle Edellinen 18 9 10 11 1214 Seuraava
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-21 09:54:22 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 06:07:25
Viestit: 47643
Paikkakunta: HomeSweetHome
Tuskin. KOhta joku tuo isoa torvea toitotellen taas ne munavaarat. Sekä Suomessa että tuolla isoisissa, pahaa pelkään.

Erkki terveys- eko- ja eettisistä syistä. Tyyli täällä, kliks
Ei eläinkään pysy terveenä jatkuvasti vaihtelevalla sapuskalla.
We are 90% microbes and 10% human.
Why invent a cure when you can profit from thousands of remedies? (DrWho)

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-21 10:16:35 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Pessimisti eiku realisti ei pety.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-21 10:22:13 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 06:07:25
Viestit: 47643
Paikkakunta: HomeSweetHome
^^ Eikö ole sentään kuitenkin lohdullista että vaikka kansa kärsii,
niin yksittäinen ihminen pystyy pelastamaan itsensä tuosta lääkintäkurimuksesta ainakin täällä Suomessa helposti?
Asiallista ruokaa on tarjolla varsin edullisesti ja kotimaisenakin jokseenkin koko maassa,
kunhan ei erehdy uskomaan noita hössötyksiä :D

Erkki terveys- eko- ja eettisistä syistä. Tyyli täällä, kliks
Ei eläinkään pysy terveenä jatkuvasti vaihtelevalla sapuskalla.
We are 90% microbes and 10% human.
Why invent a cure when you can profit from thousands of remedies? (DrWho)

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-21 10:28:51 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Onneksi se on lähes kaikille vielä mahdollista. Esimerkiksi laitosruokakriteerien uhreille se ei kuitenkaan ole helppoa.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-22 12:20:39 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Nutrition Coalition toteaa lausunnossaan, että koko kansan terveyteen vaikuttavan raportin pitäisi perustua korkeat kriteerit täyttävään tutkittuun tietoon, mutta DGAC:n raportti ei täytä tätä vaatimusta.

https://www.nutritioncoalition.us/news/ ... ts-to-usda

Yhdysvaltain tulevat(kin) suositukset tulevat valitettavasti vaikuttamaan myös Suomen(kin) suosituksiin. Mutta minkäs teet.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-25 13:04:44 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Australiassakin ihmetellään.

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/scienc ... 8aafb0e1ea

A new study confirms decades of research that saturated fats are good for your heart. So why do guidelines still push a non-fat diet?
You probably didn’t see that, a couple of weeks ago, a respected US scientific publication — the Journal Of the American College of Cardiology, no less — came out with a review of the literature saying there was no evidence that cutting saturated fats from your diet would help you live longer. And that eating more of the much-libelled lipids — found most abundantly in red meat and dairy — might help you avoid stroke.

That you didn’t read about it is no surprise. It is one in a long list of trials, studies, reviews and meta-analyses that have found similar results and gone the same way — sunk without trace, ignored by the people who create our dietary guidelines.

This issue was brought into focus last month when eye surgeon Dr James Muecke, 2020’s Australian of the Year, wrote in the Canberra Times: “A flawed dietary guideline, which we have obediently and blindly followed for 40 years, is literally killing us. We’ve been encouraged to eat less fat and consume more carbs and yet we’ve never been fatter, our teeth never more rotten, and type 2 diabetes and its complications never more prevalent.”

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt responded with $2.5 million to review the guidelines which were last updated in 2013.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-25 13:36:02 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Samaan aikaan Suomessa. Polttava kansanterveydellinen ongelma on se, ettei leipien kuitupitoisuus selviä Subwayn nettisivulta.

https://twitter.com/mikaelfogelholm/sta ... 73250?s=21
(Meni väärään ketjuun, mutta olkoon.)

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-25 14:13:32 

Liittynyt: 2015-06-10 10:40:31
Viestit: 1205
“Increasing evidence,” Prof le Roux told The Irish Times, “suggests that diets with fewer refined carbohydrates can improve T2D control. Recent trials demonstrate that when patients adopt a diet which reduces refined carbohydrate intake – especially starch – but increases carbohydrates from brightly coloured vegetables, they can improve blood sugar control, and therefore their T2D and wider metabolic health parameters. The best foods are palatable, fresh, minimally processed and nutritionally dense. Reducing sugar and starch-containing carbohydrates can improve diabetes control, promoting sustained weight loss and less medication for patients."

Tämä on minusta erottava tekijä tällä hetkellä Suomen ja kehittyneen maailman välillä. Englanninkielisessä maailmassa tällaiset uutiset eivät ole rienausta. Artikkelissa haastateltuja lääkäreitä, tutkijoita, ravitsemustieteilijöitä - tai artikkelia kirjoittanutta toimittajaa - ei panna jalkapuuhun. Heitä ei tuomita ykskantaan huijareiksi, eikä paikallinen lääkäriliitto mobilisoi useampaa professoria välittömästi teilaamaan heidän lausuntojaan.

Teksti on sinänsä kiihkotonta ja asiallista, eikä se edes aja voimallisesti "karppausta", mutta sen viesti on selvä: ruokavalion sokerin ja tärkkelyksen määrän vähentäminen kannattaa. Ainakaan minä en Suomenkaan osalta odota, että jonain aamuna Fogelholm pitää 20 minuutin puheen televisiossa kertoen, että he ovat aina olleet väärässä ja itse asiassa jatkossa laitosruokailussa tarjotaan korkeintaan 100g hiilihydraattia päivässä. Toivoisin kuitenkin, että viesti voisi olla, kuten edellä: vähentäkää tärkkelystä ja sokeria.

Suomessahan se viesti vesitetään esittämällä, että vähentäkää vain tärkkelystä ja sokeria, mutta älkää ainakaan vähentäkö täysjyväviljoja, ja sokeri itse asiassa on ihan hyvä ja tarpeellinenkin liikkuvalle ihmiselle, ja paras välipala on hedelmä, jossa ei juuri muuta olekaan kuin sokeria. Vähän sama kuin sanoisi alkoholistille, että kannattaa olla juomatta alkoholia... Paitsi että sitä voi juoda kahdessa tapauksessa: tunnelman kohottamiseksi silloin, kun on kivaa, ja harmia poistamaan silloin, kun ei ole kivaa.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-08-28 19:25:30 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Lars Bern: ruokavaliosuositukset vaikean koronan takana.

https://anthropocene.live/2020/08/28/sk ... -covid-19/

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-09-02 22:12:53 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Ehdotettu suosituscappi alkojuomile - max 1 annos/pv - perustuu yhteen tutkimukseen, joka ei ollut edes kokeellinen. Huomiotta jätettiin 59 tutkimusta. Raittiusmies Naimilla näyttäisi olleen asiassa paljon vaikutusta.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/taranurin/ ... endations/

Noh, mitäs tuo. Jätettiinhän tarkastelun ulkopuolelle myös kaikki laihdutustutkimukset, kaikki muutkin vhh/ketoa koskevat tutkimukset ja kaikki tyydyttyneen rasvan vaarattomuuden osoittaneet tutkimukset.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-09-05 11:23:01 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Belinda Fettkellä on asiaa:


ViestiLähetetty: 2020-09-24 18:45:21 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Aika monet tahot ovat Joelassa ilmaisseet huolensa erityisesti kahdesta seikasta tulossa olevien suositusten osalta:

1. suuri määrä tutkimusta rajattiin suosituksia laadittaessa tarkastelun ulkopulelle
2. kuten myös ruokien vaikutus lihomiseen (ja diabeteksen yleistymiseen)

Chorus of Voices Challenge Lack of Science in Dietary Guidelines

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-10-03 15:55:31 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Kuten edellä on todettu, jokunen parannuskin suosituksiin on tulossa. Mainittavin niistä on sokerin ylärajan pudottaminen 10 E%:sta 6E%:iin.

https://foodinstitute.com/focus/new-sug ... b-obesity/

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-10-04 00:29:03 

Liittynyt: 2018-06-05 15:08:11
Viestit: 1204
Yhden miehen komitea kirjoitti:

Tuo linkki johti maksumuuriin. Tässä on toinen:


ME-tauti (G93.3)
Kilpirauhasen autoimmuunitulehdus((E06.3))

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-10-20 16:52:33 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Raportti, joka pitkälti selittää miksi suositukset ovat sellaiset kuin ovat.

Report: Group funded by Coke, Big Food looms large in U.S. dietary guidelines

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-10-30 00:17:32 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Joukko nimekkäitä ravitsemustieteilijöitä vaatii tyydyttyneen rasvan ylärajan poistamista aiheettomana.


The letter concludes that “there is no strong scientific evidence that the current population-wide upper limits on commonly consumed saturated fats in the US will prevent cardiovascular disease or reduce mortality. A continued limit on these fats is not justified.”

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-10-31 01:00:40 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Näillä henkilöillä on suuri vaikutus siihen millaiset rasvasuositukset sieltä tulevat. Toinen on vegetaariaktivisti, toinen lääketeollisuuden palveluksessa oleva tyydyttyneen rasvan vihaaja.

https://twitter.com/DietHeartNews/statu ... 34023?s=20

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-11-01 10:02:17 

Liittynyt: 2015-10-14 21:57:51
Viestit: 918
Paikkakunta: Rannikko
Joukko nimekkäitä ravitsemustieteilijöitä vaatii tyydyttyneen rasvan ylärajan poistamista aiheettomana.

Ruokateollisuus ja sen rahoittamat ravintoterapeutit sekä lääketeollisuus, ymmärtävät, että jos tuo menisi läpi, se kaataisi koko VT rakennelman kuin korttitalon. Siksi siitä ei luovuta, vaikka mikä olisi. Tähän viittaa viime aikojen kampanjalta vaikuttavat lehtiotsikot ja kirjajulkaisut "kovan " rasvan vaarallisuudesta minkä tahansa terveydellisen asian yhteydessä.

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-11-25 15:32:28 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Amerikkalaisten enemmistö on metaboolikkoja, joille hiilaripainotteinen ruokavalio ei sovi. Monet tahot, Low Carb Action Network etunenässä, ovat vaatineet heidän huomioimistaan ravitsemussuosituksissa. Wall Street Journal julkaisi asiasta osin asiallisen (MSM:n kirjoitukseksi) kirjoituksen.

Paljastus: show
Should Americans Get Half Their Calories From Carbs? Two Camps Battle It Out
As the U.S. government revises its dietary recommendations, opposing groups are fighting over the healthiness of carbohydrates A food fight over carbohydrates is shaping up for control of Americans’ plates.

Years after low-carb eating gained attention with the Atkins diet, the low-carb movement is trying to gain wider mainstream acceptance and a nod of government endorsement. The latest battleground is the U.S. government’s dietary guidelines, which are being revised for the first time in five years. Low-carb advocates believe the current guidelines—which recommend Americans get about half their calories from carbohydrates—are partly to blame for America’s high rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Lining up against them are supporters of plant-based diets, among others, who argue that low-carb diets often include too much saturated fat from meat and dairy products and neglect important sources of nutrients like fruit, certain vegetables and whole grains.

During heated public hearings over the past 18 months, low-carb advocates pushed to include a low-carb diet option in the new dietary guidelines, which the government is expected to finalize in December. A federal advisory committee rejected that idea, saying evidence supporting that approach wasn’t conclusive. Now low-carb advocates have regrouped and are pushing the government to include a disclaimer with the final guidelines saying they are “only for healthy Americans”—marking them irrelevant for the majority of the country who are overweight or have diabetes or prediabetes.

For many such people, low-carb advocates say it’s unhealthy to follow the current guidelines and better to follow a low-carb approach. “About half of the country has either diabetes or prediabetes, 40% are obese, and if you include overweight Americans it’s about 70%,” says Mark Cucuzzella, director of an advocacy group called the Low-Carb Action Network and a professor and director of low-carb nutrition at the West Virginia University Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Health. “The people that are well, they really don’t need the government’s advice.”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services are currently reviewing recommendations from advisory committees on everything from carbohydrate levels to sugar intake to alcohol limits. The guidelines, which get updated every five years, have a broad impact. They help determine school lunch programs, shape state and local health promotion efforts, and influence what food companies make.

Seven percent of Americans report eating a low-carb diet this year, up from 5% in 2018, according to a survey conducted by the International Food Information Council, a nonprofit science communications and consumer research organization.

Low-carb advocates argue that the approach should be more widespread—and were vocal enough at hearings over the new dietary guidelines to get the federal advisory committee to review their case.

“This came out big at the first meeting that the public spoke,” says Carol Boushey, a registered dietitian and associate research professor in the epidemiology program at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center who chaired the dietary patterns subcommittee.

One of the leaders in the low-carb lobby is the Low-Carb Action Network, which describes itself as a coalition of doctors, academics, advocates and consumers of low-carb diets. They say they have more than 550 members, about 230 of whom are medical professionals, and that they don’t take money from industry. The group believes a low carb diet should be defined as one where carbohydrates make up 25% or less of daily calories.

They argue that reducing carbohydrates can help prevent and even reverse Type 2 diabetes, help people lose weight, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Carbohydrates raise the level of glucose in a person’s blood; the body produces insulin to reduce and regulate glucose levels. Low-carb advocates cite research suggesting that when blood sugar spikes too high too often, the resulting increases in insulin levels can make the body resistant to insulin and contribute to Type 2 diabetes and obesity. They also say carbohydrates increase the risk of heart disease by raising blood levels of triglycerides and small LDL particles, and high sugar intake increases blood pressure. There is some research on their side. An American Diabetes Association panel published a report last year that found sufficient evidence that a low and very low carbohydrate diet can be helpful in lowering blood sugar levels and even lowering medication use. The benefits were more pronounced for the very low carbohydrate diets. The ADA review defined low carbohydrate diets as having less than 45% of calories from carbs and a very low carbohydrate diet as less than 26%. Ronald M. Krauss, a professor of pediatrics and medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, says there is a growing body of evidence supporting low-carb diets to improve insulin resistance and cholesterol levels, which reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Dr. Krauss is on the scientific advisory board of Virta Health, a company that provides very low-carbohydrate diet counseling for people with diabetes and has published data showing that prolonged treatment with a very low-carbohydrate diet reduces insulin resistance and a number of cardiovascular risk factors in Type 2 diabetes patients.

Low-carb diets are often higher in fat than higher-carb diets because people often eat more meat when they cut carbs. But the research on the cholesterol impact is mixed. William Yancy, a general internist and obesity medicine specialist at Duke University, says studies have shown that on average low-carbohydrate diets increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol and reduce triglyceride levels compared with low fat diets. Furthermore, levels of bad LDL cholesterol do not on average significantly increase in people losing weight on a low-carbohydrate diet.

“In head-to-head trials, low fat diets might be more effective for lowering LDL cholesterol but there are other advantages of low carb diets,” which are generally higher in fat, says Dr. Yancy, who has been studying low carb diets for nearly 20 years. “What happens is people aren’t as hungry if they eat a low carbohydrate eating pattern so they end up self-restricting spontaneously.”

Opponents of a low-carb approach say it’s important to distinguish between different types of carbohydrates. While highly processed carbs like white bread, sugar-laden packaged foods and sodas spike blood sugar quickly, other foods that contain carbohydrates like fruits, certain vegetables, whole grains and beans also contain fiber, which helps glucose release more steadily into the bloodstream. Those foods also contain beneficial nutrients and are low in cholesterol and unhealthy fats, like saturated and trans fats. “We think Americans already consume too few carbohydrates in the form of helpful carbohydrates,” says Susan Levin, director of nutrition education for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, an advocacy group that supports plant-based diets.

Shivam Joshi, a primary care and lifestyle medicine physician at NYU Langone Health and Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan, sees patients at Bellevue’s Plant-based Lifestyle Medicine Program. Started about two years ago, the program aims to help patients with chronic diseases get healthier with lifestyle changes, primarily following a plant-based diet consisting largely of whole, unprocessed plant foods.

“The demonization of healthy carbs is because of our inability to separate unhealthy carbs from healthy carbs,” says Dr. Joshi, who cites foods like whole grains and oats, quinoa, and bananas as healthy carbs. “People are now afraid to eat bananas because they think it will cause diabetes but a banana is very different from banana bread.” Some experts also say it’s difficult to tell whether the health benefits noted in low-carb research come from reducing carbohydrates or simply from reducing calories—people often consume fewer calories when they eat fewer carbs.

Alice H. Lichtenstein, director of the Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory and professor of nutrition at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, says there’s no evidence that low-carb diets reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes more than other types of weight-loss diets.
Dr. Lichtenstein was vice-chair of the 2015 dietary guidelines advisory committee that issued recommendations to the government five years ago. “We have two long-term studies that indicate the level of carbs alone has little effect in terms of weight loss or cardiometabolic risk factors,” she says.

This year’s dietary patterns subcommittee also found it difficult to draw conclusions. Jamy Ard, a member of the dietary patterns subcommittee and a professor in the department of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest School of Medicine, said the biggest challenge the subcommittee had was isolating the health impact of low-carb diets when they’re not being used for weight loss or cutting calories.

The low-carb camp is undaunted, firing off a letter earlier this month criticizing the subcommittee’s failure to endorse a low-carb diet option to the U.S. secretaries of agriculture and health and human services, where recommendations for the final guidelines are under review. Advocates requested that the final guidelines should “include a prominent statement that its recommendations are ‘Only for Healthy Americans’ so that those with diet-related chronic diseases will know that these Guidelines are not appropriate for them.” A USDA spokesperson says the dietary guidelines are “intended to be generalizable to the American population at large” and that it’s “beyond the scope of the dietary guidelines to be tailored to specific groups or treat specific diseases.” But organizations often build on the guidelines to tailor advice to particular needs and conditions, the spokesperson noted: “The dietary guidelines serve as one piece of America’s larger nutrition guidance landscape.”

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-10 13:44:14 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29275
Pian julkaistaviin suosituksiin johtaneen prosessin pahimmat viat Sarah Hallbergin ja Nina Teichiolzin tiivistäminä:

We have educated policy makers at every level about the serious methodological problems of the 2020 Guidelines process, including the:
• Exclusion of the entire scientific literature on weight loss,
• Exclusion of the last decade of science on saturated fats,
• Exclusion of nearly the entire literature on low-carbohydrate diets, and
• A methodology that lacked any specifics on how various types of data are evaluated.

Näytä viestit ajalta:  Järjestä  
Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 265 viestiä ]  Mene sivulle Edellinen 18 9 10 11 1214 Seuraava

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