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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2020-09-26 21:13:11 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313
Jonah Lazarous Mulatya: Diabetes and other chronic diseases reversed: The drug-free remedy

Kenialainen lääkäri remissioi oman tyypin 2 diabeteksensa vähähiilihydraattisella ruokavaliolla pätkäpaastoilulla ja liikunnalla tehostettuna ja ryhtyi auttamaan potilaitaan tekemän saman.

-Eikä maksa paljon, sanoo Mulatya, joka opetteli tekemään karppaussapuskansa edullisista raaka-aineista.

It takes great courage to change one's mind. Not least to question a conviction that one has trusted and religiously followed for all of one's professional career, and on which one has based the management of patients. Patients who have placed their faith in you, the doctor, in the belief that you will always practice, and deliver, what is in their best interests.

But there may well come that moment when that doctor is forced to face an uncomfortable truth. When the trusted expert becomes aware, painfully at first, that some of what he or she professes, is not just plainly wrong. But also, harmful. That the trust the patients have placed in their healer, is misplaced. And it is then that the great doctors, the very best, instinctively know that whatever the cost to their pride and ego, they must acknowledge their error. They must reject much of what they formerly believed and, instead, embrace a novel truth.

Dr J.L. Mulatya is one of those great doctors who, when faced with that moment of truth, did not falter. Instead, he swallowed his pride and chose the path of humility and righteousness.

This book is so important because it uses Dr. Mulatya's personal but anecdotal experience of reversing his own diabetes, to introduce the hard science that explains why his personal miracle is not really a miracle at all. It is a miracle only to those who refuse to engage with that hard-won evidence. It is certainly not a miracle to those who understand that it is predicted by the wealth of the science that he has carefully presented in the pages of this book. Dr. Mulatya shows concisely that, thanks to the scientific work of Dr. Hallberg, her colleagues and many others, we now know that type 2 diabetes is eminently “reversible” in the vast majority of sufferers. But only if they understand that the choice is theirs. Eat properly and reverse the disease. It really is that simple.

What Dr. Mulatya learned and the message he wishes to present, is so very, very important for the continent of Africa. The peoples of our continent have struggled for centuries with the ravages of infectious diseases. Now increasingly we are suffering under the added burden of what are incorrectly labelled “chronic diseases of lifestyle”. Like obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

This book is as a result of an observational study of patients on Low-Carb High-Fat (LCHF) diets at The Mulatya Memorial Hospital, between February 2018 and July 2019. The book covers applications of LCHF diets in the treatment and management of Diabetes and it’s complications, Adult epilepsy, Lymphedema, Cardiomyopathy, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Chronic Pain Syndrome E.g. Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, Prostate cancer, Psychiatric disorders, Obesity, Neurodegenerative diseases, among others.

This book promises a new start.
It must be in every medical school library across the continent; it needs to be in every high school library from Cape to Cairo; from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in the West to the Indian Ocean in the East.

Diet Doctor kirjoittajasta ja kirjasta:

Kenyan doctor reverses his type 2 diabetes with low carb, then pays it forward

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