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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2023-12-05 06:52:05 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29317
Tämä tyypillinen esimerkki ketogeenisen ruokavalion käsittelystä Yhdysvaltain valtamediassa on vuodelta 2021.

Pari sanaa siitä kun siihen taas törmäsin.

Business Insider liitti tietysti juttuunsa varoituksen: tämä ruokavalio ei sovi kaikille.

Aika huvittavaa on sekin, että lehti löysi vain yhden pienen tutkimuksen vuodelta 2005 puoltamaan ketoilun käyttöä diabeteksen hoidossa.

Erityisen naurettavaa oli saattaa Halle Berry jatkuvasti huonoon valoon muistuttamalla siitä, ettei hän joskus vuosikymmeniä sitten tiennyt oliko hänellä tyypin 1 vai tyypin 2 diabetes.

Eli jälleen kerran Yhdysvaltain valtamediassa Halle Berryn hieno esimerkki keton toimivuudesta diabeteksen hoidossa väännettiin lähes ketonvastaiseksi propagandaksi.

Perkuulaudallekin tämän linkin olisi siis voinut sijoittaa.

https://www.insider.com/halle-berry-fol ... tes-2021-5

-Halle Berry's health journey began with her diabetes diagnosis, she said.

-Halle Berry told Insider she'd followed the keto diet for 30 years and it'd helped her manage diabetes.

-The actor was found to have diabetes at the age of 22.
The keto diet is not necessarily right for all people with the condition, research suggests.

Halle Berry has followed the keto diet for 30 years, and she told Insider it helped her manage her diabetes.

Berry, now 54, was found to have diabetes at the age of 22, which she says kicked off her health journey.

"It was a moment I'll never forget," she told Insider. "I had to respin the way I lived my life and have carried that with me ever since."

For Berry, that means following the high-fat, low-carb keto diet.

"Because I'm diabetic, nutrition has been a big part of my life," she said. "For the past almost 30 years I have been following the ketogenic lifestyle."

Berry says the keto diet gives her stamina and cuts her cravings — and she believes it's helped her age well

In 2018, Berry wrote on Instagram that she believed the keto diet had been "largely responsible for slowing down my aging process" and helped her lose weight after childbirth.

"If you're like me, you can possibly reverse type 2 diabetes, you'll experience better physical endurance, better skin and also less acne if that's an issue. And it even helps control migraines!" she said.

In 2019, the actor's personal trainer shared the actor's daily diet and favorite dishes, including bulletproof coffee (coffee with butter or coconut oil), steak or chicken with greens, and avocado ice cream.

Having been keto for so long, Berry told Women's Health she didn't crave sweets any more and felt "incredible" on the diet.

Research is mixed on how well keto works for diabetes
Berry's diabetes diagnosis was the inspiration behind her health and wellness platform Re-Spin. "Re-Spin is very much about rethinking everything you thought you knew and daring to break down barriers and come up with what your life should be for yourself, regardless of what others think, and living that proudly and authentically," she told Insider.

There has been confusion over the years about whether Berry's diabetes is type 1 or type 2, as Healthline reported, but some of her comments — such as that she "reversed" type 1 diabetes by changing her diet — have been heavily criticized by medical professionals.

While Berry's comments on diabetes and keto have drawn some criticism in the past, there is some research to suggest the diet can provide benefits for people with the condition.

A small 2005 study, for example, found that a keto diet could lead to improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 

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