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Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-14 22:03:03 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Minusta roskateoriaa kannattaa tutkia.
Joka tapauksessa, everestaus tapahtuu vuorokaudessa ja yksi suomalainen on yrittänyt sitä, onnistumatta. Matkaahan tulee melkoisesti. Jos on 10% nousu, niin 88 km pelkkää ylämäkeä ja saman verran alamäkeä ja puhtaat kymmenen prosentin nousut ovat lyhyitä Suomessa.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-16 21:25:54 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
HIIT 25 min 51 sek

Tänään kävi ilmi, että minulla on luontainen lahjakkuus nyrkkeilyyn. En tiedä, mistä se on tullut, koska suvussa kukaan ei ole ollut mikään nyrkkeilijä, eikä nyrkkeily ole kiinnostanut pätkääkään koskaan. Minä olen harrastanut ihan vääriä lajeja elämässäni. No, tuskinpa minä tälläkään kertaa lähden mihinkään kehään.
Mitähän seuraavaksi. Minähän olen taiteilijasuvusta, mutta taiteellisesti täysin lahjaton.
Vähän niin kuin Sherlock Holmes, hyvä analyyttisessä ajattelussa ja nyrkkeilyssä.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-18 12:25:16 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Illalla 7 km fillarointia ja yksi geokätkö. Oikeammin yksi jäi löytämättä ja sitä etsin hartaasti ja jouduin vähän kiipeilemään.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-21 16:06:49 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Tänään puolen tunnin HIIT MyEMSillä. Tämä ei ole parasta aikaa fibromyalgian kannalta, joten oli tosi ankka harjoitus.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-23 13:11:12 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
90 päivän haaste. Tämä oli erittäin kova. Ihan kuin lihaksia ei olisi missään.

Day 1 - Isometric Workout
The first week, the first session, and a fresh start!
What is isometric work?
Isometric contraction simply told is when the muscle activates with the tension but without the movement in the joint.

This workout will be challenging you with Isometric holds.

A whole different way to challenge and shock your muscles.
Since we are used to pumping the reps and go crazy with the intensity, these holds may feel quite hard.

An isometric workout is a great way to exhaust the muscle in a short time!


if you are feeling sore from the last workout, you can move this workout a day forward. This means that your body just needs to rest and recover more. Listen to your body.

Duration: 20minutes
Fitness level: Intermediate.
Category: Home workouts
Equipment needed: None.

Intermediate: Holds 30sec - Break 20sec x 2 sets / exercise
Challenging: Holds 45sec - Break 15sec x 2 sets / exercise

1. Reverse bridge hold
2. Wall squat hold
3. Hamstring wall-curl
4. Single-leg Glute hold
5. Superman hold
6. V-Up hold
7. Sissy squat
8. Narrow push-up hold
9. Lunge hold

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-24 16:53:59 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Kävely 1,3 km, 21 min 31 s
Jooga ja venyttely 14 min

Day 2 - Stretching and Mobility
Day two we are focusing on mobility and recovery work with a Yoga-session.
This is a beginner routine for you to work on your balance, body control and awareness.

Start your day with a nice yoga flow or get calmness to your day with this 15-minute routine.
Gentle yoga is a great way to slow down, connect with your body, and calm your mind. This practice is ideal for anyone new to yoga, and everyone will enjoy this opportunity to move your body, breathe deeply and simply, just to feel good.

This sequence is packed with traditional poses, along with nontraditional variations on those asanas to increase flexibility and mobility, decompress, and to create more physical space in the body.

This yoga class is a great way to get to know the poses. And while it’s important to respect classic poses, it can also be beneficial to add some new variations.
This practice calms the brain, strengthens the back and helps with the mobility in your legs.

Duration: 15min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: None

Poses :
1. Easy Pose / Sukhasana
2. Seated Side stretches
3. Neck stretches
4. Seated Spine Twists
5. Cat and Cow / Marjaryasana and Bitilasana
6. Child's Pose / Balasana
7. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
8. Low Plank / Chaturanga Dandasana
9. Cobra Pose / Bhujangasana
10. Tabletop / Bharmanasana
11. Low lunge / Anjaneyasana
+ hamstring stretches ( chest opener, spider variation )
12. Child's Pose with side stretch / Balasana variation
13. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
14. Staff Pose / Dandasana
15. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana
16. Butterfly Pose / Baddha Konasana
+ forward stretch
17. Corpse Pose / Savasana
+ leg stretches
18. Dynamic Supine Twist
19. Corpse Pose / Savasana
+ final relaxation / meditation and breathing

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-25 16:35:39 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Kävelty 25 min
Matka: 1,7 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 2 379

Sen lisäksi HIIT 19 min 26 sek

Day 3 - HIIT
Let it burn! Are you ready to sweat?
We are doing a HIIT = High-Intensity Interval Training, you can do this workout inside or move it outside. This is you vs you fight, stay mentally strong and push through the workout. Giving up is not an option!

The purpose of this workout is to bring up the heart rate and keep it in 80-100% range of your maximum Beats Per Minute (BPM). The benefit of this workout is that it leads to fat burn, faster metabolism, higher energy levels and increase the level of your cardiovascular system. It is very short and super effective! Due to its intensity you can perform this workout not more than 2 times a week.
When you perform this exercise try to start in a steady pace and keep the same pace for the whole workout. It is important to keep breathing all the time, because we need to feed all the muscles with the oxygen.
Take longer rest between the rounds if you feel that you need more time to catch your breath.

Duration: 25 min
Fitness Level: Adjustable
Category: Cardio/Endurance/Threshold
No equipment needed


1. Close&wide jumps
2. From one side to other
3. Squat jumps close&wide
4. In&out with jumps
5. Cross in front
Repeated for 3 rounds

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-25 23:45:12 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Illalla vielä tällaista.

Before-bed Yoga
A set of exercises to perform after a long and tiring day, relaxing the muscles tightened during the day and allowing the mind to calm down.
Perform this set of exercises before going to sleep and you will feel an unprecedented feeling of peace before falling asleep.

Duration: 10min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: Yoga mat
1.-6. Easy pose with forward fold and side stretches (Adho Mukha Sukhasana)
7. Cat- Cow pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)
8. Child's pose (Balasana)
9. Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
10. Leg Lock pose (Supta Pawanmuktasana)
11. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
12. HappyBaby pose (Ananda Balasana)
13. Reclining Butterfly pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-26 21:00:09 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Day 4 - EMOM Workout
Welcome to a workout with higher intensity and a bit more challenging movements!

Today we are doing an EMOM workout.

This means ‘Every minute on the minute’ so you will have one minute to do a certain amount of reps and the time you got left is your resting time before the next set.

Are you ready to kick off this intensity-boost?

Duration: 25-30min
Fitness level: Intermediate
Equipment: Chair/Stool
Category: EMOM, Home Workouts

Workout info: Please remember to keep your reps clean. Push hard and remember to warm-up well before the exercise. Make sure you have enough room to perform this workout.


2 min - 15 Explosive Jump squats
2 min - 15 Inch-Worm
2 min - 20 Sissy squats
2 min - 25 Step up and over
2 min - 25 Elevated shoulder taps
2 min - 30 Slide mountain climbers
2 min - 20 Jump over a bench
2 min - 30 Abs tuck
2 min - 20 Elevated push-ups
2 min - 20 Side Jump Lunges

Kävely 38 min
Matka: 2,5 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 3 603

Illalla vielä sama jooga kuin eilen.

Takki on kyllä totaalisesti tyhjentynyt

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-28 17:32:03 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Tänään puolen tunnin HIIT-sessio. Kävelyä 29 min, 2 km, 2 806 askelta.
Ehkä vielä jooga illalla. Samsung Healthin mukaan kulutin kävellessäni melkein päivän aikana syömäni kalorit, sen lisäksi perusaineenvaihdunta ja sanottu HIIT-sessio, joten kalorit ovat aika rankasti miinuksella.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-30 19:11:22 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
This workout is a sweat session for the whole body, without any equipment.
Even though the intensity might not be as hard as in the EMOM training and HIIT I want you to challenge yourself with keeping the form as clean as possible and feeling the tension on every rep.
They all count.

if you are feeling sore from the last workout, you can move this workout a day forward. This means that your body just needs to rest and recover more. Listen to your body.

Duration: 15-20min
Fitness level: Intermediate
Category: Home Workouts
Equipment needed: None
15 Repetitions
Rest between 30sec.

1. Thigh killa
2. 30sec Wall squat hold
3. Diamond crunches
4. Narrow push up
5. Scap push up
6. Plank toe-touch
7. Bulgarian lunge elevated
8. Superman
9. Single leg hip thrust elevated
All the exercises are performed for 2 rounds.

20 min
Matka: 1,4 km
Askelien lukumäärä: 1 936

Joogaa 29 minuuttia. Tavanoimainen ennen nukkumaanmenoa -jooga ja sitten toinen:

Yoga in the morning is a great way to slowly wake up and connect with your body.
This practice is ideal for anyone new to yoga. A great chance for everyone to enjoy this opportunity to move your body, breathe deeply, and simply feel good in the morning.

This sequence is packed with traditional poses, along with nontraditional variations on those asanas to increase flexibility and mobility, decompress, and create more physical space in the body.

This practice calms the brain, strengthens back, stretches knees and ankles.

Duration: 15min
Fitness Level: Beginner
Category: Yoga
Equipment needed: None

Poses :
1. Hero Pose / Virasana
2. Seated Side stretches
3. Neck stretches
4. Shoulder stretches
5. Seated Eagle Pose / Seated Garudasana
6. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose / Ardha Matsyendrasana
7. Seated Forward Bend / Paschimottanasana
8. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
9. High Plank / Phalakasana
10. High Lunge (one side) / Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana
11. Reverse Warrior Pose (one side) / Parsva Virabhadrasana
12. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
13. High Lunge (other side) / Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana
14. Reverse Warrior Pose (one side) / Parsva Virabhadrasana
15. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
16. Pigeon Pose (one side) / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
17. Downward Facing Dog Pose / Adho Mukha Svanasana
18. Pigeon Pose (one side) / Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
19. Child's Pose / Balasana
20. Bow Pose / Dhanurasana
21. Child's Pose / Balasana
22. Garland Pose / Malasana
+ variations
23. Bridge Pose
24. Leg stretches on back
25. Happy Baby Pose / Ananda Balasana
26. Corpse Pose / Savasana
+ final relaxation / meditation and breathing

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

ViestiLähetetty: 2020-12-31 15:48:50 

Liittynyt: 2004-05-20 14:55:36
Viestit: 9035
Tänään yksi helppo geokätkö, before bed yoga -sessio 11 min 42 sek, kävelyä 15 minuuttia, 1 km, 1462 askelta, fillarointia 5 km, 28 min, 27 metriä nousua.

Vuoden tilasto:

1. Pyöräily 95 kertaa, 57 h, 610,8 km
2. Maastopyöräily 77 kertaa, 57 h, 702,9 km
3. Geokätköily 58 kertaa, 8 h, 15,2 km
4. Kahvakuula 20 kertaa, 1 h
5. Kävely 19 kertaa, 10 h, 39,9 km
6. Jooga 8 kertaa, 2 h
7. HIIT 7 kertaa, 2 h
8. Avovesiuinti 4 kertaa, 1 h, 1 km
9. Kuntosali 3 kertaa, 1 h
10. Kuntopiiri 2 kertaa
11. Puutarhanhoito 1 kerta, 1 h
12. Jumppa 1 kerta
13. Voimaharjoitus 1 kerta

Strava antaa fillaroinnille tilastoa vuodelta:
Distance 1,177.8 km
Time 106h 59m
Elev Gain 9,052 m
Rides 151

Eli tuli Mt. Everest valloitettua tänä vuonna.

2003: 161,8 kg :arrow: 2006: 80kg :arrow: 2020: 171 kg

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