
Tänään on 2024-05-13 21:35:45

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2024-03-16 09:34:16 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313

#Keto Stigma... I thought it was about time for a video on this topic (full vid here: youtu.be/7gEOfcAP39A)

Truth of the matter is a #ketodiet can be a genuine live saver -- Yet, it's one of if not the LEAST socially acceptable eating patterns.


Some may say 'ignorance of the masses,' or that our food culture is wrapped around carbohydrates, like a python around its prey

Irrespective of the social and scientific dynamics, the reality is a major barrier to implementation of a therapeutic ketogenic diet and therapeutic carbohydrate restriction is stigma

If you've lived it, you know. If you haven't, all the more reason to watch the FULL video

In this video, I disclose 3 personal examples

I then highlight the silver lining!

Communities are EXPLODING to support and normalize this lifestyle, esp. among those who use it therapeutically for mental health and neurological disorders #MentalHealthMatters, #IBD, autoimmune diseases, as well as #obesity and diabetes

There is also an acceleration of the science on #ketogenic diets, which WILL change medicine's tone about this lifestyle. Trust me, I see it behind the scenes every day. Major news outlets and their crappy headlines attacking 37% kCal from carb "keto" diets be damned

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 

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