
Tänään on 2024-05-13 10:22:46

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 
Julkaisija Viesti
ViestiLähetetty: 2023-07-24 14:50:29 

Liittynyt: 2007-05-25 15:55:11
Viestit: 29313
Seitsemänteen painokseen ehättänyt kirja on perusteellisesti päivitetty. Sisältää kuulemma hyviä vinkkejä ketogeenisen ruokavalion toteutukseen liittyen.

https://www.amazon.com/Ketogenic-Therap ... s_li_ss_tl

Now in its seventh edition, Ketogenic Diet Therapies for Epilepsy and Other Conditions is the premier resource for anyone considering starting or already implementing a ketogenic diet for epilepsy or other medical disorder. Coauthored by a multi-disciplinary care team from the world-renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital, this valuable reference establishes how these diets work, providing both the basics as well as advanced methods on how to start and maintain children and adults on ketogenic diets. Written for parents, patients, dietitians, neurologists, and individuals embarking on ketogenic diets for any purpose, Ketogenic Diet Therapies brings a patient-centered approach to answering common questions related to the ketogenic, modified Atkins, and related therapeutic diets. With useful tips and information throughout, chapters cover diet selection, provide sample meal plans and recipes, offer guidance on how to connect with local and worldwide resources, and much more to ensure success.

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Aloita uusi ketju  Vastaa viestiin  [ 1 viesti ] 

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